Monday 31 August 2020

Timmy and Broom Broom


This is my robot. I made it with Hunter. The one made out of the Milo box is called Timmy and the car is called Broom Broom. Timmy is a cleaner robot, he vacuumed up a puppy! He has a friend called Broom Broom. Broom Broom is a car. He has a boot where all the things Timmy sucks up go like pom poms, cardboard and bits of egg cartons. He is a very very nice, spectacular and busy robot.


  1. Tēnā koe Deryn,

    I love the robot you made with Hunter! I like the idea of having a cleaner robot too - I wish you brought him home to me, he could have vacuumed the house for me!

    You told me you were making robots because of your new chapter chat book - are you enjoying the book? What is your favourite part so far?

    Love Mum xoxo

    1. Hi mum.
      My favourite part of the book was when Roz the robot found a family of geese that were dead, but there was an egg in the nest and Roz took the goose and made it her son. She called it Brightbill because he had a very bright orange bill.
      CU soon
      Love from Deryn. xoxo

  2. What awesome creations you have made with Hunter Deryn. They are so cool. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Love Aunty Nicole x

  3. Hi Aunty Nicole.
    Thank you for the comment.
    I have done lots of different blog posts.
    Love from Deryn. xoxo


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